1783 - Map of the United States by John Wallis
John Wallis released a pioneering map of the United States that highlighted the nation's geography by depicting state divisions, Indigenous territories, and French/Spanish possessions. The map's cartouche in the bottom right draws a connection between the country's shape and emblematic symbols. Seen on the left, George Washington is alongside Lady Liberty, with Athena (goddess of knowledge) and Justice with a blindfold aiding Ben Franklin on the right. The scene is set below the newly depicted US flag, with thirteen stars and stripes. It was Britain's first printed map to feature the flag. This groundbreaking map was incredibly influential, accurately depicting the United States at a time when the nation was still in its infancy. It serves as a reminder of the nation's rich history and serves as a source of pride and patriotism.
High Quality Paper: Printed onto high quality poster paper which is durable and is non- tearable.